With the big reveals of E3 behind us, what is Shane's biggest problem with DRM? What is Rerez Talks: This is a series of videos that has Shane from Rerez ranting and discussing things about the video game industry. Rerez Talks Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzx_ak-EKl1x3aeJMbjZ0P8Z-NT09Mul4 Rerez is a YouTube channel presented by Shane Luis all about video games. Presenting you the newest, strangest and most unique gaming topics. Featuring high quality reviews of new video games, consoles, previews, oddities, rare titles, unknown hardware, classic and retro games, and much more! Like this video? Check out and subscribe for other Rerez episodes about classic and hard to find games! Rerez Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzx_ak-EKl1xu-QIYTJnInKjvID-nm9sm Follow Rerez on Twitter @RerezTV and visit us on Facebook at Facebook.com/RerezTV #Xbox #Gaming #VideoGames #Gamer #Rerez #YouTubeGaming #Rant #XboxOne